Peer people have had many difficulties in life and think rationally in advance that nothing will help. You feel totally desperate in a hopeless situation and you are already accepting your destiny. Even if there is a slight improvement in any way, you expect that it will not be of long duration. Peer ensures that you no longer automatically think: that will go wrong again. It gives you the inner strength in yourself and returns your confidence.
It gives you back the sparkling feeling, deep down from within. Knowing, from your ratio, that everything will be fine now. If you have encountered difficulties many times in your life and you already think in advance about the next obstacle: That will go wrong again, then Peer will help you get the job done. Peer gives you the inner strength and returns your confidence.
If you claim for yourself that you can do it, then you can do it too. You can embrace life with full confidence because it “returns” your inner, true faith in life.
Peer: no longer difficult (statement by a client).
Contents: 10ml.
Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint of plant vibrations with alcohol as a preservative alcohol percentage 40% v/v