Gratitude 15ml. Indigo essences
Gratitude 15ml. Indigo essences
€ 15.25 incl. VAT
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For adults – this essence helps to emotionally support us to be loving, compassionate and sensitive beings without being overwhelmed by ever-increasing psychic abilities, such as being able to hear everyone’s thoughts as you walk down the street. For babies – this essence helps to emotionally support highly sensitive little babies to hold the level [...]
Deep blue, with a little yellow and green. This stone resembles the world. Helps dissolve blockages caused by fears that have locked the heart. Gives you the courage to heal. For emotional support to open the heart again and let love enter and gives you back the feeling of comfort and inner peace. Releases the [...]
Turquoise blue surrounded by brilliant little light blue caves. Contributes to the feeling of being in the arms of a loving mother, safe and at peace. Lets you experience the safe feeling of actually saying what you actually feel. For emotional support for children who find it difficult to express themselves. Softens the aura and [...]
For emotional support to help us regain the creative energy and contributes to discovering new ways without experiencing difficulty or extreme tension around it.
For adults this children’s essence can help very sensitive beings to be in places with lots of nasty chemical smells, electricity and other things (like the supermarket) without being too bothered. For babies in mommy’s tummy this essence is specially made to contribute to help babies bring a lot of energy into their mommy’s tummy [...]
Complete set with all Combination essences. Comes in a beautiful white box. Many adults have asked us if they can also use the essences. Of course they can. We are all children inside. We even gave ‘Invisible Friend’ once to a baby porcupine that had lost its mother and would not eat. Shortly after he [...]
For emotional support when you feel bullied, rub some champion on your belly and the bullies will give up. Champion helps the child who is afraid of others and is often bullied. With Champion you experience that a shield is formed for a weakened ‘solar plexus’ and also help to repair the damage. Champion wants [...]
For emotional support when strange noises disturb you and scare you at night or when you feel strange in your stomach with no end in sight. No fear contributes for the sensitive and timid child who feels scared all the time. No fear wants us to know that everyone experiences fear sometimes. Supported in the [...]
Hiddenite is faint green, looks like a spaceship with some pieces off. Kunzite is very nice pink. The little hiddenite stone is very damaged but its essence is pleasure. Together with its sister kunzite, they have the ability to make you experience the joy back even when things are very bad. The pink color of [...]
When you are feeling restless this essence will help support you emotionally and not make you feel down. Settle contributes for the child who feels very uncomfortable in his/her physical body and cannot focus his/her attention on anything for a long time. Settle wants to help you let yourself relax, breathe in and know that [...]
When you feel nervous or panicky or if you experience having a block of metal in your belly – just rub some confidence on your belly and you won’t feel a “mess” anymore. Confidence helps to emotionally support the child who does not believe in themselves. Confidence wants us to know that we are special [...]
Helps us to connect with everything we have learned so far and will be learning.
Complete set with all the New Energy essences. Comes in a beautiful white box. You will notice that the essences from the New Energy series appear in the list of ingredients of the Combination Essences. This is a new series and I was quite surprised when these essences asked to be added to the existing [...]
The essence Sugulite helps as an emotional support to feel safe, comfortable and at home in your own body. Contributes to the peaceful sleep of children, because they experience a better sense of being loved and safe. The experience with this essence is that it helps as an umbrella, keeping heavy earthly energies off of [...]
The feminine counterpart of Ruby & Kyanite 1. Contributes to clearing old, inherited patterns dhave with feminine energy. For emotional support to remove the tendency towards passivity. Contributes to the relief of fears of being a woman. Helps you to balance your new feminine and masculine energies.
The darkness and light of duality melts together to form a new, non-corruptible, brilliant, valuable light energy.
A shiny with an oil color black stone. Helps you to be light but at the same time very strong and grounded. Connects you to the spiritual team who oversee earthly matters. They will help you deal with the higher becoming vibrations of the planet without becoming unbalanced. Adjusts reverse polarity. Softens mental tension caused [...]
When you experience boiling inside, this essence contributes to a relaxed feeling, which will reduce your anger. Chill carries with it the child who is very, very angry and cannot find a way out. Chill wants us to know that by locking up the anger inside, it will not go away. Chill will help us [...]
Small gold-colored stone with a mischievous ET face. Helps you for emotional support to see really clearly, know what is real and repel energies that are not good for you. Pyrite helps to cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins such as by-products of food allergies. Supports children to stay in their bodies even [...]
When we wonder if we are pure – Gives us the heart to go on.
For emotional support to find out what the illusion is and helps to help what is real and what is not. “take a break, relax and enjoy”
For emotional support when you experience fear of closing your eyes the moment you see something boring, or surprising. Sleep Easy helps to support the child who experiences fear during the night. Experience indicates that these children are sensitive to energy and unnameable energies, so difficulties are experienced in being able to relax physically. Provides [...]
When you experience such pain and anger that you think you can’t feel anything, only experience coldness and stone inside, this essence of love helps to repair the emotional damage. This essence was created after September 11 by Ben, Mica and Jen (age 7). They made a gift of the love they felt in their [...]