The flower essence 3-Unity is a beautiful combination of essence consisting of the flowers: Feverfew, Water Lily, Poppy that together gives the feeling of Faith and Hope and Love. “Loads become lighter”. Gives inner strength to be in the here and now. Calm and peaceful feeling throughout the body.
How the essence originated, by Madeleine Meuwessen:
“When creating the three essences Papaver, Waterlelie and Moederkruid, I only had a picture of a triangle. Triangle, triangle, what kind of triangle. The answer came naturally when I visited a church: Faith, Hope and Love. The white color of the Mother Herb symbolizes purity. Believe it. Believing in true pure love that is passed on from mother to child. This knowledge creates peace. A soothing peace comes over you. ”
The experience:
In the treatment of a dog whose pup had died, the “laggard” could accept that she stayed here on earth and could continue her task here on earth. It was a beautiful feeling in which the contact between living and deceased was very genuine and clear. Mother and child have now found their peace.
Contents: 10ml.
Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint of plant vibrations with alcohol as a preservative alcohol percentage 40% v/v