Beautifully handcrafted wooden box suitable exclusively for Star Remedies. 54 stock bottles fit in the wooden box. Wooden box is delivered without bottles.
Wooden box – For Star Remedies flower essences
€ 65.00 incl. VAT
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Beautiful set of the Star Remedies. In this beautiful wooden box you will receive all Star Remedies - Flower essences together. All bottles contain 10 ml. This set contains all flower essences, for an overview and effects of all flowers, take a look at the individual essences.
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Key concepts of this combination are: More trust; less anger; more energy; deal better with imposed tasks (activities) Content: 30ml. Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint of vibrations of plants with alcohol to preserve alcohol percentage 20% v / v Combination of: Papaver, Genadekruid, Komkommerkruid, Komkommerkruid 2, Dagkoekoeksbloem, Star of Bethlehem, Waterlelie, Bali
Special about this essence is that it is made with the spring water from Lourdes. Yarrow people are sweet, accommodating, lovable and often courteous people. It is difficult for them to say “no”. You are actually looking for recognition and you want to be loved. This is often at the expense of your own needs [...]
Key concepts of this combination are: Physical relaxation; consolation; panic; dealing with worries and doubts Content: 30ml. Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint of vibrations of plants with alcohol to conserve alcohol percentage 20% v / v Combination of: Liefde & Hoop, Fluitekruid, Duizendknoop, Kerspruim, Kruidje roer me niet, Star of Bethlehem.
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Fluitenkruid helps you to stand with two feet on the ground again and makes you very tall. Supported in gaining a good sense of self-worth, connection with the rest of the world, you become aware of yourself, consider, accept, complete, “easy-going”, sunny and a beautiful “meditation herb”. Tension leaves your legs and feet have become [...]
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This is the first essence developed by Madeleine in Costa Rica. It is for people who are very, very sensitive. As soon as someone gets too close, the person “closes” because the fear of being hurt is very great. You yourself know exactly which vulnerabilities are involved. Touching others, e.g. wanting to put an arm [...]
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Key concepts of this combination are: Being able to let go in love; less over-concern for others; processing homesickness; Change (s) in your life Content: 30ml. Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint of vibrations of plants with alcohol to conserve alcohol percentage 20% v / v Combination of: Meesterbloem, Meibloem, Moederkruid, Turkoois, 3-Eenheid, Dagkoekoeksbloem, Star of Bethlehem, [...]
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Ismene people are the dreamers among us. If you prefer to retreat to your own dream world so that you can suppress the reality of everyday life. In your work or at school “not being in class”. You may walk to the kitchen to get something and once you arrive in the kitchen you absolutely [...]
Key concepts of this combination are: Decisiveness; being able to make choices; less strict for yourself; seeing things in perspective; hope Content: 30ml. Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint of vibrations of plants with alcohol to preserve alcohol percentage 20% v / v Combination of: Riet, Balans, Puur, Wilde Appel, Peer, Star of Bethlehem, Dagkoekoeksbloem, Fluitekruid.
Key concepts of this combination are: More inner peace, less unrest; better balance between work and pleasure; relaxation of muscles; feel safe in the dark Content: 30ml. Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint of vibrations of plants with alcohol to preserve alcohol percentage 20% v / v Combination of: Dotterbloem, Madelief, Hosta, Het Kind, Kruidje roer me [...]
Key concepts of this combination are: Define yourself better; consolation; love for yourself; less anger Content: 30ml. Composition: Spring water with energetic imprint of vibrations of plants with alcohol to preserve alcohol percentage 20% v / v Combination of: Duizendblad, Fluitekruid, Koraalcactus, Vergeving, Vuurdoorn, Dagkoekoeksbloem, Star of Bethlehem, Meesterbloem, Roze Duizendblad
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