Red Grevillea Red Grevillea For emotional support if you feel stuck. You know what you want, but you don’t know the path you have to take to get there. It gives you the strength to get out of unpleasant situations, helps you be more decisive and indifferent to the judgment that others make about you.
Red Helmet Orchid Red Helmet Orchid For emotional support if you experience rebellious and selfish behavior, problems with authoritarian people, resulting from a bad relationship with your father. It helps to build a bond with your children, makes you more sensitive and ensures respectful relationships.
Red Lily Red Lily For emotional support for people who are indecisive and daydreamy, experience split personality, vague, older than 28 years. It contributes to grounding, concentration and ensures that you can carry out your tasks well. Also suitable for emotional support after drug use.
Red Suva Frangipani Red Suva Frangipani For emotional support in case of severe shock and great emotional pain, due to the loss of a loved one, due to death or the breakdown of a relationship. It helps to give you calmness, peace of mind and makes you feel cherished.
Rough Bluebell Rough Bluebell For emotional support for people who manipulate others, are deliberately malicious and use others. Total lack of concern for the feelings of others. Contributes to unconditional love, openness, compassion and sensitivity for others.
She Oak She Oak Provides emotional support and contributes specifically to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Support if you are infertile, without a physical reason for it. It contributes to the restoration of balance in the hormone system and contributes to fertility.
Silver Princess Silver Princess Provides emotional support in finding your life purpose and helps motivate you. Contributes when you don’t know what to do in life and feel like there is more, but can’t find it.
Slender Rice Flower Slender Rice Flower For emotional support that ensures that you are able to cooperate, makes you receptive to the beauty of others. Contributes to reducing scar formation, restores energetic flow. Supporting when you are proud, jealous, discriminating, narrow-minded, to help you experience that things can be done differently.
Southern Cross Southern Cross Provides emotional support if you feel too much like a victim, life has hit you too hard. You complain a lot and are bitter. The essence helps to give you strength and helps you let go of your sense of responsibility for your own situation.
Spinifex Spinifex For emotional support against physical ailments such as herpes, cuts and if you feel like you are a victim of a certain disease. Contributes to healing yourself through emotional understanding. Has a supportive external effect on wounds and injuries.
Sturt Desert Pea Sturt Desert Pea Contributes to dispelling sad memories, providing emotional support for deep pain, sadness and emotional pain. It helps to relieve sad moods and is a strong essence that helps get rid of depressive feelings.
Sturt Desert Rose Sturt Desert Rose Supports and helps you let go of your own feelings of guilt. You follow your own beliefs and morals. You are no longer so easily persuaded into activities that you actually do not want
Sundew Sundew For emotional support for individuals who are indecisive, daydreamy, experience split personality, vague, under 28 years of age. It contributes to grounding, concentration and helps you carry out your tasks well. Also suitable for emotional support after drug use.
Sunshine Wattle Sunshine Wattle For emotional support if you are pessimistic, experience being stuck in the past, expecting a bleak future. It helps you experience optimism and you experience that you accept the current life and see the beauty in it.
Sydney Rose Sydney Rose For emotional support when you feel isolated from others, abandoned and without people who care about you. The essence helps you realize that we are all one, and helps you feel safe and calm.
Tall Mulla Mulla Tall Mulla Mulla For emotional support if you feel unsafe and do not want to interact with others. Contributes to people with a cold heart, who cannot take a deep breath, because they do not live life deeply. It helps make you open, compassionate and sensitive.
Tall Yellow Top Tall Yellow Top For emotional support that ensures self-acceptance and acceptance in the group. Contributes to giving you the appropriate feeling of belonging, a feeling of being at home, where you are at ease and you and others accept you.
Turkey Bush Turkey Bush For emotional support if you feel blocked, have no creativity anymore and no longer believe in your own creativity. Contributes to your new inspiration and confidence in your creative possibilities that you experience.
Wararath Wararath Emotional support gives you courage, confidence and adaptability at a time when you are deeply sad, desperate, suicidal and no longer able to cope with problem situations.
Wedding Bush Wedding Bush For emotional support if you experience problems entering into relationships, business, social and/or intimate. Contributes if you lack the dedication to fulfill your life goals.
Wild Potato Bush Wild Potato Bush Provides emotional support if you feel limited by your own body, by being overweight, and not functioning as you would like it to function. It helps give you the freedom and vitality to continue with life.
Wisteria Wisteria Specially for women: An emotional support especially for women: They experience feeling inhibited, tense during sex, and cannot enjoy intimacy. For emotional support especially for men: they experience macho behavior. Contributes to men and women enjoying themselves sexually and feeling at ease. It helps develop tenderness and softness.
Yellow Cowslip Orchid Yellow Cowslip Orchid For emotional support for people who experience critical, quick-to-judge, nagging behavior. Contributes to involvement, clear constructive thought patterns, helps you distance yourself from emotions. Also helps to balance the pituitary gland.
Australian Bush Flower Essences – Stockbottles
65 Australian Bush Flower Essences prepared by Ian White. From Alpine mint bush to Yellow Cowslip Orchid, you will find them all here.
Australian Bush Flower Essences ingredients: 15ml. stock bottle; water, alcohol 23% vol & energetic imprint of flower as stated on the front.